‘Stand in’


The ER nurse turned to my husband and said “You are her Savior” as my husband held my youngest daughter down, while they jabbed at her with the second attempt at an IV. Her pathetic screams easily penetrated the hallway where I waited with my sons. He quickly replied, “No, I am not her Savior, Jesus Christ is but I will be His stand in”.

My God has provided me with such a wonderful earthly father to my children. He is a great ‘stand in’ or representation of Christ to my children. They experience their father’s sacrifice and love in his daily interactions with them.

John provides stability, a sense of self, protection and fierce love to our children. Just as Christ does. This weekend John was with me every moment as we woke up our youngest daughter, every two hours to get two ounces of fluid down her with a syringe. I could not love John more than I do when I see his self- sacrifice for our children. He provides for them as their father what I cannot and I am eternally grateful. He gives them an understanding of what a father’s love is, and this understanding frees them to run into the arms of Christ without reservations of the consequence.

In prayer for a friend’s daughter that she might experience stability I received a gift far greater than the prayer I was providing her. I received a greater revelation of what my identity as God’s daughter does for me, now on this earth. You cannot fully integrate a sense of peace and stability into your life until you accept and acknowledge that you are Christ’s daughter or son. In prayer  I began to realize that my understanding of my identity was not fully developed. God is faithful to provide what we need, when we humble ourselves and ask for help in prayer.


Prayer: I pray for stability. For Christ’s love to surround me and penetrate to the depths of my understanding of self. Provide for Me a cocoon of protection so that you might transform my life of doubt into a triumph of obedience. Provide stability not as the world provides it but as You do My conquering, Savior. Thank you, Jesus Amen.